I am stuck in a weird problem. When I query data using breeze client (c#), I get data fine in my unit test. When I call the same code from my webApi controller, it hangs on task.Result. Has anyone seen this behavior? Here is the code:
// This method when called from unit test works fine, but not from webApi:
public IEnumerable<ProductBaseInformation> GetProductBaseInformation()
var result = GetAllProductBaseInformation();
var productBase = result.Result; // GETS STUCK HERE..CODE NOT GOING FURTHER...
return productBase;
private async Task<IEnumerable<ProductBaseInformation>> GetAllProductBaseInformation()
_entityQuery = new EntityQuery<ProductBaseInformation>();
var products = await _entityManager.ExecuteQuery(_entityQuery);
return (IEnumerable<ProductBaseInformation>)products;
lokusking..you were right. " HERE " answered my question I did Task.Run( ).Result and that did it!. Don't have the option to mark your answer as the answer so writing it here. did mark it one up..which I could thanks much everyone.