I have about 12 databases, each with 50 tables and most of them with 30+ columns; the db was running in strict mode as OFF, but now we had to migrate the db to cleardb service which by default has strict mode as ON. all the tables that had "Not Null" constraint, the inserts have stopped working, just because the default values are not being passed; while in case of strict mode as OFF if the value are not provided, the MYSQL will presume the default value of the column datatype. Is there a script I can use to get the metadata about all the columns of all tables and generate a script to alter all the tables with such columns to change the default to "Null"
You should consider using the information_schema
tables to generate DDL statements to alter the tables. This kind of query will get you the list of offending columns.
FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
AND TABLE_SCHEMA IN ('db1', 'db2', 'db3')
You can do similar things to generate ALTER
statements to change the tables. But beware, MySQL likes to rewrite tables when you alter certain things. It might take time.
DO NOT attempt to UPDATE
the information_schema directly!
You could try changing the strict_mode setting when you connect to the SaaS service, so your software will work compatibly.
This is a large project and is probably important business for cleardb. Why not ask them for help in changing the strict_mode setting?