I can clearly see in my results that one of the output results is "general". When I try to filter this out in my "if statement", it fails to catch the "general" everytime. My "str_replace" is an attempt to rid the results of any empty white space that might be causing the issue.
Code Snippet:
$tick = 0;
foreach($html->find('select.js-career-select') as $info) {
foreach($info->find('option') as $info2) {
$general = 'general';
if($tick > 38) {
$list = $info2;
$list = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $list));
if($list != $general) {
echo $list."<br>";
else {
echo "NOPE!";
I suspect $list
has newlines before or after it. Try:
$list = strtolower(trim(strip_tags($list)));
to remove all types of whitespace surrounding the text, and any HTML tags in the text.
You can also get just the text from the tag with:
$list = $info2->plaintext;