I want to capture screen in my second monitor, Currently i am using CmdCapture.exe application to take screenshot in certain time interval but it is only capturing the screen from primary monitor so i have no knowledge how to capture screen from secondary monitor using CmdCapture.exe.
I am using the following codes to take screenshot:
var cmdScreenCaputeLocation:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("assets\\CmdCapture.exe");
var nativeProcessStartInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
nativeProcessStartInfo.executable = cmdScreenCaputeLocation;
var args: Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
var uid:String = "tempImg"+imgCounter+"";
args.push("/f", (uid+".jpg"),"/d",""+screencaptureDir+"", "/q 70");
nativeProcessStartInfo.arguments = args;
var nativeProcess:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
So anybody have an idea how to take screenshot from secondary monitor using CmdCapture.exe or using any other applications which can be run in actionscript nativeprocess command, please help me.
Regarding BoxCutter docs...
Usage :
, = coords X1,Y1,X2,Y2 capture the rectangle (X1,Y1)-(X2,Y2).
, = fullscreen capture the full screen.
, = help display help message.
usage : boxcutter -c -AA,BB,CC,DD testgrab.png
Where numbers for :
is starting origin along X-axis (left/right)
is starting origin along Y-axis (up/down)
is grab width along X-axis (left/right)
is grab height along Y-axis (up/down)
As an example let's test : Screen 1 is w=1280 & h=800, Screen 2 is w=1024 & h=768.
grabbing examples :
for monitor 1
only use: boxcutter -c 0,0,1280,800 testgrab.png
for monitor 2
only use: boxcutter -c 1280,0,2304,768 testgrab.png
for both monitors 1
& 2
together use: boxcutter -c 0,0,2304,800 testgrab.png
Note that Screen 2 begins after the width of Screen 1 ends. So to grab both screens at same time CC
must be total of added widths of Screen 1 + Screen 2. For height DD
must use biggest height (from one of those two screens) to avoid any unwanted cropping.
Try this in your code
args.push("0", "0", "myWidth", "myHeight");
where : myWidth & myHeight = required width & height of grab area. .
PS : Check this Article since it might help you with settings for multiple monitors...