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iOS build not showing up for testflight beta testing

I am building the IPA (via fastlane with a distribution profile). The entitlements show beta-reports-active=1:


Upload with the AppLoader is successful - but it's not showing up for testing:

no test build

The build shows up under "Activity" though - but showing "Missing Beta Entitlements"

build list

Looking into the build details on iTunes Connect the entitlements seem to be really missing the beta entitlements:

iTunes Connect entitlements

Anyone a clue what I am missing?


  • The problem was fastlane gym (in my case) creating an IPA that was invalid. I ditched it and are now building through xcodebuild without problems.

    Both Payload/*.app/embedded.mobileprovision and codesign -d --entitlements :- Payload/*.app need to have beta-reports-active = 1 set. That wasn't always the case with gym. See the github issue explaining the details

    Without use_legacy_build_api: true gym also has trouble picking the right provisioning profile.