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Reduce number of levels for large categorical variables

Are there some ready to use libraries or packages for python or R to reduce the number of levels for large categorical factors?

I want to achieve something similar to R: "Binning" categorical variables but encode into the most frequently top-k factors and "other".


  • Here is an example in R using data.table a bit, but it should be easy without data.table also.

    # Load data.table
    # Some data
    dt <- data.table(type = factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C"), 10e3, replace = T)),
                     weight = rnorm(n = 10e3, mean = 70, sd = 20))
    # Decide the minimum frequency a level needs...
    min.freq <- 3350
    # Levels that don't meet minumum frequency (using data.table)
    fail.min.f <- dt[, .N, type][N < min.freq, type]
    # Call all these level "Other"
    levels(dt$type)[fail.min.f] <- "Other"