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Java LibGDX Multi Touch Issue

    for (byte i = 0; i < 20; i++) {maxDistance = 10 *;
        if (Gdx.input.isTouched(i) && Gdx.input.getY()<= 400) {
            player1TouchPosition.set(Gdx.input.getX(i), Gdx.input.getY(i), 0);
        player1Tmp.set(player1TouchPosition.x, player1TouchPosition.y).sub(player1Rectangle.x, player1Rectangle.y);
        if (player1Tmp.len() <= maxDistance) {
            player1Rectangle.x = player1TouchPosition.x;
            player1Rectangle.y = player1TouchPosition.y;
        } else {
            player1Rectangle.x += player1Tmp.x;
            player1Rectangle.y += player1Tmp.y;
        if (Gdx.input.isTouched(i) && Gdx.input.getY() >= 401) {
            player2TouchPosition.set(Gdx.input.getX(i), Gdx.input.getY(i), 0);
        player2Tmp.set(player2TouchPosition.x, player2TouchPosition.y).sub(player2Rectangle.x, player2Rectangle.y);
        if (player2Tmp.len() <= maxDistance) {
            player2Rectangle.x = player2TouchPosition.x;
            player2Rectangle.y = player2TouchPosition.y;
        } else {
            player2Rectangle.x += player2Tmp.x;
            player2Rectangle.y += player2Tmp.y;

Hello I'm using this code to move to touch position. But I need multi touch. It's not working. When I add player2, it doesn't work. I didn't understand how is multi touch. How can I fix it?


  • Why do you not use InputProcessor? One example of one method from the interface

        public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
            if(pointer =< 2){
                touches.get(pointer).touchX = screenX;
                touches.get(pointer).touchY = screenY;
                touches.get(pointer).touched = true;
            return true;

    In the above example you can use maximum 2 touches. Actually 1 pointer is 1 touch.


    screenX and screenY are the touch position. Be aware you have to scale this position compared to your orthographic camera. A pointer is the pointer for the event.

    If you create the InputProcessor you can launch it with

    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(/*Your class*/);


    Example from the comments:

    for (Button button : /*ArrayList*/{
                if (positionX >= button1.getX() && positionX <= button1.getX() + button1.getWidth() &&
                        positionY >= button1.getY() && positionY <= button1.getY() + button1.getHeight()){
            //Update the position from the specific button

    You use this code inside the method from the interface touchDragged().