I just started making a application that uses information from twitter. I want to get the posts that are available on the Twitter landing page when no user is logged in. This page shows public posts that might be relevant to your geo location. Is it possible to get these posts using LinqToTwitter without logging in a user?
As per my comment, this is called application-only authentication, and the documentation of LinqToTwitter about it actually mentions this answer of Joe Mayo that I've already suggested you to follow.
Finally, look at this doc for the GeoCode
: something like what was done in this post
var auth = new ApplicationOnlyAuthorizer
Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
ConsumerKey = [ConsumerKey],
ConsumerSecret = [ConsumerSecret]
var _twitterContext = new TwitterContext(auth);
var srch =
(from search in _twitterContext.Search
where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
search.Query == "twitter" &&
search.Count == 7 &&
search.GeoCode == "51.507351,-0.127758,1km"
select search)
Console.WriteLine("\nQuery: {0}\n", srch.SearchMetaData.Query);
srch.Statuses.ForEach(entry =>
"ID: {0, -15}, Source: {1}\nContent: {2}\n",
entry.StatusID, entry.Source, entry.Text));