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MATLAB angle() to C# conversion

I want to transfer to C#, a function that computes the phasor angle of an expression from MATLAB, angle(). I found that angle(x+yi)=atan2(y,x) but here comes my problem, I have a square root that depending on the values I give it is either positive or negative. But, in MATLAB if the sqrt function gets a negative, it returns an imaginary, unlike C# where it returns NaN.

So, how can I make the two codes give the same result?




Mathf.Atan2(a,-sqrt(expression))(what i do, and i think is wrong)


  • You could do the same thing Matlab does and use Complex math:

    using System.Numerics;
    public static class Foo
        public static double GetAngle(double a, double expression)
            Complex cA = new Complex(0, a);
            Complex sqrt = Complex.Sqrt(expression);
            Complex result = cA - sqrt;
            return result.Phase;

    If you don't want to do that, you can see, that sqrt(expression) is a number on the (positive) imaginary axis if expression is negative meaning that a*i-sqrt(Expression) == (a-sqrt(abs(expression)))*i the phase of which is either pi/2 or 3*pi/2:

    public static class Foo
        public static double GetAngle(double a, double expression)
            if (expression < 0.0)
                double result = a - Math.Sqrt(-expression);
                if (result > 0.0)
                    return Math.PI * 0.5;
                else if (result < 0.0)
                    return Math.PI * 1.5;
                    return 0.0;
                return Math.Atan2(a, -Math.Sqrt(expression));