I am trying to make something like this:
My code is still in this stage:
Unfortunately I can't set the coordinates of circles' centres with the VennDiagram package. Does anyone know a trick for achieving that? Or another package that gets closer to the graphic I'm looking for?
venn.plot <- draw.triple.venn(area1=A, area2=B, area3=C,
n12 =A, n23 = B, n13 = A, n123 = A,
fill = c("yellow1", "yellow3", "yellow4"),
euler = TRUE,
c("First", "Second", "Third") )
For your specific case (nested subsets), you could just manually draw three circles using grid. Assuming set A contains set B contains set C:
set_sizes <- c(A = 25, B = 16, C = 9)
set_radii <- 0.5 * c(
A = 1,
B = sqrt(set_sizes["B"] / set_sizes["A"]),
C = sqrt(set_sizes["C"] / set_sizes["A"])
y = set_radii,
r = set_radii,
gp = gpar(fill = c("red", "green", "blue"))