I have more applications that differs with URL prefixes. I can set it by "Alias" directive in httpd.conf. But I'd like to use some common files like javascripts and css files (jquery, fusioncharts, images etc.) without any prefix. For PHP files I can use set_include_path function and then include them without path prefixes. Is there a similar possibility to include another directories into DocumentRoot in Apache? I don't want to download them from another sites because users use blockers for cross-site requests.
I'd like to avoid need to copy all shared files into each aplication root.
I found partial solution, If common resources are saved in separate directories, then I can use more Alias directives. New project B can use directories from existing project A, f.e.:
Alias "/B/images" "F:/EclipseWorkspaces/A/www/images"
Alias "/B/jquery" "F:/EclipseWorkspaces/A/www/jquery"
Alias "/B" "F:/Dropbox/B/WWW"