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Handlebars subexpression throws "options.fn is not a function" error

I'm trying to use subexpression in Handlebars but getting "options.fn is not a function" error even on simplest expression. While using additional helpers from, this expression works fine:

{{#and true true}}OK{{/and}}

But if I make a subexpression like this

{{#and (gt 4 3) (gt 5 4)}}OK{{/and}}

Or this

{{#and (gt 4 3) true}}OK{{/and}}

The library throws an error

TypeError: [feed.hbs] options.fn is not a function
   at (/Users/me/Projects/jackal/node_modules/handlebars-helpers/lib/comparison.js:152:20)
   at Object.eval (eval at createFunctionContext ...

I need to have a check for two conditions. At this time it achieved with nested expressions:

{{#gt 4 3}}
    {{#gt 5 4}}

So whats wrong with my subexpressions?


  • To me it looks like that subexpressions are not supported by handlebars-helpers that way.

    I had a short look at at the code with the debugger. For the {{#and (gt 4 3) (gt 5 4)}}OK{{/and}} and the (gt 4 3) itself is called correctly, but the code of the gt helper is: = function(a, b, options) {
      if (arguments.length === 2) {
        options = b;
        b =;
      if (a > b) {
        return options.fn(this);
      return options.inverse(this);

    But because subexpressions do neither have a fn (if block), nor a inverse (else block), the handlebars-helpers fails at this point.

    To support your expression the handlebars-helpers need - IMHO - rewrite their code to something like that: = function(a, b, options) {
      if (arguments.length === 2) {
        options = b;
        b =;
      //fn block exists to it is not a subexpression
      if( options.fn ) {
         if (a > b) {
           return options.fn(this);
         return options.inverse(this);
      } else {
         return a > b;

    So for now you can't use subexpressions with handlebars-helpers.

    I added an Issue on their github page: Supporting Handlebars subexpressions