I coding a VPN tool, using the NetworkExtension
framework. I can connect IPSec through NEVPNManager.sharedManager
, and can grab the notification when VPN connect status changed. But when I kill the app, and reopen it, the NEVPNManager.Connect.Status
always Zero, than means can't display the correct connect state. How to solve it?
Try this:
func viewDidLoad() {
// Register to be notified of changes in the status. These notifications only work when app is in foreground.
notificationObserver = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserverForName(NEVPNStatusDidChangeNotification, object: nil , queue: nil) {
notification in
print("received NEVPNStatusDidChangeNotification")
let nevpnconn = notification.object as! NEVPNConnection
let status = nevpnconn.status
func checkNEStatus( status:NEVPNStatus ) {
switch status {
case NEVPNStatus.Invalid:
print("NEVPNConnection: Invalid")
case NEVPNStatus.Disconnected:
print("NEVPNConnection: Disconnected")
case NEVPNStatus.Connecting:
print("NEVPNConnection: Connecting")
case NEVPNStatus.Connected:
print("NEVPNConnection: Connected")
case NEVPNStatus.Reasserting:
print("NEVPNConnection: Reasserting")
case NEVPNStatus.Disconnecting:
print("NEVPNConnection: Disconnecting")
The above code should generate the following messages when running the app with VPN already connected:
checkNEStatus: NEVPNConnection: Invalid
viewDidLoad: received NEVPNStatusDidChangeNotification
checkNEStatus: NEVPNConnection: Connected