I want to create a protocol
that enforces a certain case on all enums
conforming to this protocol
For example, if I have a enum
like this:
enum Foo{
case bar(baz: String)
case baz(bar: String)
I want to extend it with a protocol
that adds another case:
case Fuzz(Int)
Is this possible?
The work around is to use a struct
with static
Note: This is what is done in Swift 3 for Notification.Name
Below is an implementation on Swift 3
struct Car : RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable, Comparable {
typealias RawValue = String
var rawValue: String
static let Red = Car(rawValue: "Red")
static let Blue = Car(rawValue: "Blue")
//MARK: Hashable
var hashValue: Int {
return rawValue.hashValue
//MARK: Comparable
public static func <(lhs: Car, rhs: Car) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue < rhs.rawValue
protocol CoolCar {
extension CoolCar {
static var Yellow : Car {
return Car(rawValue: "Yellow")
extension Car : CoolCar {
let c1 = Car.Red
switch c1 {
case Car.Red:
print("Car is red")
case Car.Blue:
print("Car is blue")
case Car.Yellow:
print("Car is yellow")
print("Car is some other color")
if c1 == Car.Red {
if Car.Red > Car.Blue {
print("Red is greater than Blue")
Please note this approach is not a substitute for enum
, use this only when the values are not known at compile time.