I have a movie quiz app, and I want users to share the movie scene image that they are stuck on to Facebook so they can ask their friends for help.
With Facebook's recent changes I am struggling to figure out how to post the image that the user is up to.
All the movie scene images are stored in the app so there is no URL.
I am trying to get the image from my array like this:
FBSDKShareLinkContent *content = [[FBSDKShareLinkContent alloc] init];
content.imageURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPathComponents:[[mainInfoArray objectAtIndex:index] objectForKey:PHONE_IMAGE]];
but it does not work. Any ideas please to get this to work? Thank You
First, you create the content, then you create a share-button with that content.
FBSDKSharePhoto *photo = [[FBSDKSharePhoto alloc] init];
photo.image = image;
photo.userGenerated = YES;
FBSDKSharePhotoContent *content = [[FBSDKSharePhotoContent alloc] init];
content.photos = @[photo];
FBSDKShareButton *button = [[FBSDKShareButton alloc] init];
button.shareContent = content;
[self.view addSubview:button];