I'm using this datepicker. As of now, the user can write anything he likes in the input field which is not what I want.
My code:
session.getDateFormat = function() {
return 'yyyy-MM-dd';
session.formatDate = function(date) {
return $filter('date')(date, session.getDateFormat());
vm.dateFormat = session.getDateFormat();
function submit() {
date : session.formatDate(vm.data.date)
The code is much longer but that basically the part concerning the date. And HTML
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup="{{vm.dateFormat}}" placeholder="{{vm.dateFormat}}" ng-model="vm.data.date" is-open="vm.dateOpened" ng-required="true" ng-disabled="disabled" />
The admin can choose if he wants getDateFormat to accept yyyy-mm-dd
or dd-mm-yyyy
What I want:
I had to update to angular-ui 1.3.3 and then I had to give the date input a name 'datepicker' and the form a name 'frm' and then
<div ng-if="!frm.datepicker.$error.required"">
<div class="datepicker-error" ng-if="frm.datepicker.$invalid">
some error message
I didn't clear the field since if the user didn't finish typing it's going to be invalid and hence might be cleared. If anyone has a better solution let me know.