I am using Text::Document to compute the cosine similarity between two documents. When I try to print the variable holding the resulting cosine similarity score ($sim), I get an error message saying: "Use of unitialized value $sim in concatenation (.) or string...". As far as I can tell, I initialize this variable immediately above the print command. Admittedly, this is my first foray into the Text::Document module and my object construction here is probably faulty/ugly/potentially problematic. Any ideas what's wrong with the variable initialization?
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use autodie ;
use Text::Document ;
################## LOOP BEGIN ##################
# Process every file with a `txt` file type
my $parent = "D:/Cleaned 10Ks" ;
my ($par_dir, $sub_dir);
opendir($par_dir, $parent);
while (my $sub_folders = readdir($par_dir)) {
next if ($sub_folders =~ /^..?$/); # skip . and ..
my $path = $parent . '/' . $sub_folders;
next unless (-d $path); # skip anything that isn't a directory
chdir($path) or die "Cant chdir to $path $!";
for my $filename ( grep -f, glob('*') ) {
open my ($fh), '<', $filename;
my $data1 = do {local $/; <$fh> } ;
my $data2 = Text::Document->new(file=>'$data1') ;
my $data3 = $data2->WriteToString() ;
my $data4 = Text::Document::NewFromString($data3) ;
my ($comp_id, $year, $rest) = split '-', $filename, 3;
my $prev_year = ($year ne '00') ? $year - 1 : 99;
my $prev_year_base = join '-', $comp_id, $year ;
my ($prev_year_file) = glob "$prev_year_base*" ;
open my ($fh_prior), '<', $prev_year_file ;
my $data1_prior = do {local $/; <$fh_prior> } ;
my $data2_prior = Text::Document->new(file=>'$data1_prior') ;
my $data3_prior = $data2->WriteToString() ;
my $data4_prior = Text::Document::NewFromString($data3_prior) ;
my $sim = $data4->CosineSimilarity( $data4_prior ) ;
print "The cosine similarity score is $sim\n" ;
You have a couple of issues..
my $data2 = Text::Document->new(file=>'$data1') ;
Here you seem to imagine that $data2
will be initialised with the content of $data1
In fact the file
keyword does nothing here, and the line is equivalent to
my $data2 = Text::Document->new() ;
You have successfully initialised a Text::Document
object but it has no data.
You do the same for the prior object, so you end up comparing two objects with no comparision terms. $sim
is empty.
The fix is to add some content to your new objects:
my $data2 = Text::Document->new() ;
...and the same for the prior object.
In addition you can remove these lines:
my $data3 = $data2->WriteToString() ;
my $data4 = Text::Document::NewFromString($data3) ;
They are redundant. You are just recreating the same (empty) objects.