I am writing some code in Ruby... But I can't figure out how basic authentication works with Crystal-lang.
In ruby I had to always use request.basic_auth but that probably doesn't work in Crystal lang.
What am I doing ruby? Could someone write that line request.basic_auth in Crystal-lang?
request = HTTP::Client.get "{ports[coinName]}/"
request.basic_auth username([coinName], password[coinName])
json = JSON.parse(request.body
in ./src/coinHashRate.cr:29: undefined method 'basic_auth' for HTTP::Client::Response
request.basic_auth username[coinName], password[coinName]
You need to do:
require "http/client"
client = HTTP::Client.new "", ports[coinName]
client.basic_auth(username[coinName], password[coinName])
client.get "/"
You configure the client with basic auth, not the request nor the response.