I want to do text formatting italic of my data which is echo from database. In my database, synonyms field their are more than one name and I retrieve all in one echo. For example Calappa nucifera (L.) Kuntze , Cocos indica Royle are store in my db. For this rezone i replace ',' with 'new line'and then echo. I want to show:
Calappa nucifera (L.) Kuntze
Cocos indica Royle
But my code shows:
Calappa nucifera (L.) Kuntze
Cocos indica Royle
My code is below:
echo '<div style = "margin-left: 150px;">'.str_replace(',','<br />',$row["synonyms"]).'</div>';
If you are using inline style in your code you have bold only and not italic
then obtain the firts two word and in a proper span tag ad font-style:italic;
$mySino = explode( ','), $row["synonyms"]);
echo '<div style = "margin-left: 150px;">' ;
foreach ($mySino as $key => $myRow) {
$myValue= explode( ' ', $myRow, 3);
echo '<span style="font-style: italic;">' .
(isset($myValue[0]) ? $myValue[0] : '') .
' ' . (isset($myValue[1]) ? $myValue[1] : '' ) .
'</span> ' .( isset($myValue[2]) ? $myValue[2] : '') . '<br />';
echo '</div>' ;