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Loopbackjs: Followers and Followees Model (Twitter-like)

I'd like to create a Twitter-like model but can't manage to make it working:

User's model so far:

   "name": "NsUser",
   "base": "User",
    "relations": {
        "followers": {
          "type": "hasMany",
          "model": "User",
          "through": "Follow",
          "foreignKey": "followerUserId"
        "followees": {
          "type": "hasMany",
          "model": "User",
          "through": "Follow",
          "foreignKey": "followeeUserId"

Follow's model so far:

  "name": "Follow",
  "base": "PersistedModel",
  "relations": {
    "followee": {
      "type": "belongsTo",
      "model": "NsUser",
      "foreignKey": "followeeUserId"
    "follower": {
      "type": "belongsTo",
      "model": "NsUser",
      "foreignKey": "followerUserId"

Then I add a relation in the Follow model:

    "created": "2016-08-19T09:23:18.175Z",
    "id": "57b6d0068d55e5368538c8f4",
    "followeeUserId": "578f7ad2ba0bfc40d78ef985",
    "followerUserId": "5790bb3172e2738deb7532ee"

But cannot get the result in Here is the crash:

  "error": {
    "name": "Error",
    "status": 500,
    "message": "Relation \"user\" is not defined for Follow model",
    "stack": "Error: Relation \"user\" is not defined for Follow model\n    at processIncludeItem ....

I dig a little and found there was a problem similar here:

But it seems I need loop-back-datasource-juggler >= 2.18.0 but I run

 npm update loopback-datasource-juggler
 npm -v loopback-datasource-juggler

It tells me: 2.10.1

Maybe it's the only problem (do I really get the latest version??), or maybe it's my Model which is wrong?


  • You defined relation model wrongly. Follow model has relation to NsUser, but in NsUser, you defined relation to user.

    Please change like this :

    "relations": {
            "followers": {
              "type": "hasMany",
              "model": "NsUser",
              "through": "Follow",
              "foreignKey": "followerUserId"
            "followees": {
              "type": "hasMany",
              "model": "NsUser",
              "through": "Follow",
              "foreignKey": "followeeUserId"