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Regularized cost function with very large λ

Consider the cost function with regularization in machine learning:

enter image description here

Why will the parameter θ towards to zero when we set the parameter λ to be very large?


  • The regularized cost function is penalized by the size of the parameters θ.

    The regularization term dominates the cost in case λ → +inf

    It is worth noting that when λ is very large, most of the cost will be coming from the regularization term λ * sum (θ²) and not the actual cost sum((h_θ - y)²), hence in that case it's mostly about minimizing the regularization term λ * sum (θ²) by tending θ towards 0 (θ → 0)

    Why minimizing λ * sum (θ²) results in θ → 0

    Consider the regularization term λ * sum (θ²), to minimize this term the only solution is to push sum(θ²) → 0. (λ is a positive constant, and the sum term is also positive)

    And since θ terms are squared (θ² is always positive), the only way is to push the θ parameters towards 0. Hence sum(θ²) → 0 means θ → 0

    So to sum up, in this case of very large λ:

    Minimizing the cost function is mostly about minimizing λ * sum (θ²), which requires minimizing sum (θ²), which requires θ → 0

    Some intuition to answer the question in the comment:

    Think of λ as a parameter for you to tell how much of a regularization you want to happen. E.g. if on the extreme you set λ to 0, then your cost function is not regularized at all. If you set λ to a lower number then you get less of a regularization.

    And vice versa, the more you increase λ, the more your asking your cost function to regularized, so the smaller the parameters θ will have to be in order to minimize the regularized cost function.

    Why do we use θ² in the regularization sum rather than θ?

    Because the goal is to have small θ (less prone to overfitting). If the regularization term uses θ instead of θ² in the sum, you can end up with large θ values that cancel each other, e.g. θ_1 = 1000000 and θ_2 = -1000001, the sum(θ) here is -1 which is small, vs if you took sum(|θ|) (absolute value) or sum(θ²) (squared) you'd end up with a very big value.

    In that case you may end up overfitting because of large θ values that escaped the regularization because the terms cancel each other out.