I have been trying to figure out a way to do this for a couple hours now. So, I am creating a form that generates textarea tags for every 'client' I selected, this part is easy for me. My problem is linking each text area to the clients id I have created for them so when I post the textarea input to my database I can post their id with it as well. Are there any ideas to post a value with each textarea? Any help is greatly appreciated...
MY html code for textarea
<td><?php echo "<textarea name='comments[]' cols='10'> </textarea>"?></td>
I TRY to post the text through a foreach
loop, one by one
The variable holding the info I need is wrapped up like this
<?php $clientlevel = $client.":".$i;?>
I then use explode()
to parse it
Some pseudo code to show how you might assign the client id to each textarea and then process the POSTed data..
/* query the db using preferred methods */
$sql='select * from users where selected=1';
echo "<form method='post'>";
/* loop through recordset to generate textareas with client id assigned to comment */
while( $rs = $db->fetch($res) ){
echo "<td><textarea col=50 rows=3 name='comments[\"{$uid}\"]'>Comments.. $i</textarea></td>";
echo "<input type='submit'></form>";
echo '<div>', print_r($_POST,true), '</pre>';
/* specifically target and process the comments */
$comments=!empty( $_POST['comments'] ) ? $_POST['comments'] : false;
if( $comments ){
foreach( $comments as $uid => $text ){
echo 'User: '.$uid.' Comment:'.$text.'<br />';
Will output something like:
[comments] => Array
["client_1"] => Comments.. 0
["client_2"] => Comments.. 1
["client_3"] => Comments.. 2
["client_4"] => Comments.. 3
["client_5"] => Comments.. 4
["client_6"] => Comments.. 5
["client_7"] => Comments.. 6
["client_8"] => Comments.. 7
["client_9"] => Comments.. 8
["client_10"] => Comments.. 9