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Kubernetes/Container Engine: TLS handshake timeout

About 7 hours ago i was working with kubectl without problems. Now (after a few hours of sleep, and a reboot of my computer) all kubectl get commands gives me this error:

Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout

I did not do anything since it worked besides shut down my computer.

Since I'm new with Kubernetes and GCE i need a few hints on what this could be, and where to look.


  • So i found the problem.

    kubernetes was set to use the wrong context and cluster (i had created a GC project and deleted it again, and the created a new project).

    I got the new credentials from GC:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME_FROM_GC

    To get the new context name and cluster name i used:

    kubectl config view

    And to update the current context and cluster i used:

    kubectl config set-cluster CLUSTER_NAME_FROM_CREDENTIALS
    kubectl config set-context CONTEXT_NAME_FROM_CREDENTIALS

    This fixed the problem.