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Passing hive configuration with aws emr cli

I am following doc: and trying to create emr cluster using the awscli==1.10.38 .

I use the following command as mentioned in the documentation:

aws emr create-cluster --release-label emr-5.0.0 --instance-type m3.xlarge --instance-count 2 \
--applications Name=Hive --configurations ./hiveConfiguration.json --use-default-roles

I am also using the exact same hiveConfiguration.json as mentioned in the document.

but it says "aws: error: invalid json argument for option --configurations"

Why do I get the error?


  • Your argument to --configurations is incorrect. Missing file:// CLI needs to know you are specifying a file or S3 object.

    aws emr create-cluster --configurations file://hiveConfiguration.json