I was reading through the documentation (http://snappydatainc.github.io/snappydata/streamingWithSQL/) and wanted to know what the parameter ":01" means after the topic name when working with kafka. Is this a partition number or number of threads server is using?
ie: "topics 'streamTopic:01'
val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("example").setMaster("local[*]"))
val snc = SnappyContext.getOrCreate(sc)
var snsc = SnappyStreamingContext(snc, Seconds(1))
snsc.sql("create stream table streamTable (userId string, clickStreamLog string) " +
"using kafka_stream options (" +
"storagelevel 'MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2', " +
"rowConverter 'io.snappydata.app.streaming.KafkaStreamToRowsConverter', " +
"zkQuorum 'localhost:2181', " +
"groupId 'streamConsumer', " +
"topics 'streamTopic:01')")
Sorry if this is mentioned somewhere, but I could not find it.
This should be the topic names only. Spark streaming will figure out the number of kafka partitions and start enough parallel tasks for ingestion.
See another example here.