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Javascript LinkedIn API read-only on a specific user

I'm trying to get read-only public information from my LinkedIn profile through the javascript API. I currently have this code, which I know is incomplete:

    function linkedinAuthorized() {
        console.log("Linked in authorized");

    function linkedinLoaded() {
        console.log("Linked in loaded");

        IN.Event.on(IN, "auth", linkedinAuthorized);

        var url = "/people/~?format=json";

            .result(function (result) {
            .error(function (error) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="//">
    api_key:   [my key]
    onLoad:    linkedinLoaded

I am able to load the linked in successfully, but when perform the IN.API.Raw call I get:

enter image description here
which I suspect is because I have not logged into an account with one of those LinkedIn login buttons.

My question is if can I get read-only profile information from a specific user without going through one of those manual authorization processes?


  • Might this be linked to this answer ?

    My question is if can I get read-only profile information from a specific user without going through one of those manual authorization processes?

    The answer is no. LinkedIn use OAuth 2.0, even the tool they provide can't perform the request

    You need to get the user logged-in to perform such actions !