I have a Player
class with a score
class Player(game_engine.Player):
def __init__(self, id):
self.score = 0
This score increases/decreases as the player succeeds/fails to do objectives. Now I need to tell the player his rank out of the total amount of players with something like
print('Your rank is {0} out of {1}')
First I thought of having a list of all the players, and whenever anything happens to a player:
But this would be extremely slow. There can be hundreds of thousands of players, and a player can reset his own score to 0
which would mean that I'd have to move everyone after him in the stack. Even finding the player would be O(n).
What I'm looking for is a high performance solution. RAM usage isn't quite as important, although common sense should be used. How could I improve the system to be a lot faster?
Updated info: I'm storing a player's data into a MySQL database with SQLAlchemy everytime he leaves the gameserver, and I load it everytime he joins the server. These are handled through 'player_join'
and 'player_leave'
def load_player(id):
"""Load player into the global players dict."""
session = Session()
query = session.query(Player).filter_by(id=id)
players[id] = query.one_or_none() or Player(id=id)
def save_player(id):
"""Save player into the database."""
session = Session()
Also, the player's score is updated upon 'player_kill'
def update_score(id, target_id):
"""Update players' scores upon a kill."""
players[id].score += 2
players[target_id].score -= 2
Redis sorted sets help with this exact situation (the documentation uses leader boards as the example usage) http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro#redis-sorted-sets
Redis can be used as a cache of player ranking. When your application starts, populate redis from the SQL data. When updating player scores in mysql also update redis.
If you have multiple server processes/threads and they could trigger player score updates concurrently then you should also account for the mysql/redis update race condition, eg: