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Color text parts in Excel >255 characters

I have written a plugin for a third-party sw that extracts revised texts to an Excel sheet and then colors the changed parts in Excel. This works as long as each text segment (=cell content) does not exceed 255 characters. Alas this can and does occasionally happen.

In order to identify the changed parts in Excel, I surround them with <del> resp. <add> tags for deleted and added text. Then I color these parts (and remove the surrounding tags) like this:

while (((string)cell1.Text).Contains("<del>"))
        var pos = ((string) cell1.Text).IndexOf("<del>") + 1;
        var pos2 = ((string) cell1.Text).IndexOf("</del>") + 1;
        var txt = cell1.Characters[pos, (pos2-pos) + 9].Text;

        txt = txt.Replace("<del>", "").Replace("</del>", "");
        cell1.Characters[pos, (pos2-pos) + 9].Text = txt;
        cell1.Characters[pos, txt.Length-3].Font.Color = -16776961;

I am using Interop because I find it much easier to work with, and also because I could not find any decent example on how to do this with OpenXML. However I am aware that Excel has its limits when it comes to cell text, so I am open to suggestions.

Is there a way to color single words in a cell containing >255 characters using Interop?

If everything fails, I will probably have to create a Word document with a table, do the formatting there and then copy/paste over to Excel (yukk). Please help me avoid this ugliness.

P.S: Yes, the revision summary needs to be Excel-based.


  • OK, I solved it with OpenXML now. If a cell contains text to be colored, I create a run of text up to that position, a second, colored run containing the affected text, and a third back-to-default run containing the rest.

    var xlsx = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(xlsPath, true);
    var contents = xlsx.WorkbookPart.GetPartsOfType<SharedStringTablePart>().First();
    foreach (SharedStringItem si in contents.SharedStringTable.Elements<SharedStringItem>())
        if (si.Text != null)
            XlHelper.ColorCellText(si, "del", new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Color { Rgb = "FFFF0000" });
            XlHelper.ColorCellText(si, "add", new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Color { Rgb = "0000BF00" });

    And my XlHelper.ColorCellText method:

    public static void ColorCellText(SharedStringItem si, string TagName, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Color col)
        var newText = si.InnerText;
        var startTag = string.Format("<{0}>", TagName);
        var endTag = string.Format("</{0}>", TagName);
        if (newText.Contains(startTag))
            var lastpos = 0;
            while (newText.Contains(startTag))
                    var pos1 = newText.IndexOf(startTag);
                    var pos2 = newText.IndexOf(endTag);
                    var txtLen = pos2 - pos1 - 5;
                    var it = string.Concat(newText.Substring(0, pos1), newText.Substring(pos1 + 5, txtLen),
                        newText.Substring(pos2 + 6));
                    var run = new Run();
                    var txt = new Text
                        Text = it.Substring(0, pos1),
                        Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                    run = new Run();
                    txt = new Text
                        Text = it.Substring(pos1, txtLen),
                        Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                    var rp = new RunProperties();
                    run.RunProperties = rp;
                    newText = newText.Substring(pos2 + 6);
                catch(Exception ex)
                    using (var sw = new StreamWriter(logFile, true))
                        sw.WriteLine("Error: {0}\r\n{1}", ex.Message, newText);
            if (newText.Length>=0)
                var lastrun = new Run();
                var lasttxt = new Text
                    Text = newText,
                    Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve

    The Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve part is crucial here, als else it will glue all three parts together and dismiss the spaces between.

    I think I'll look into this EPPlus, as its "In-cell Richtext" feature sounds rather promising.