Search code examples

Grails searchable: search for a specific field in a member object?

Using the Grails Searchable plugin, I've got these classes:

class Person {
 static searchable = {
  address component: true


class Address {
 static searchable = {
  root false
 String country

I want to do a specific search for persons from a specific country. "country:NL" doesn't work. "address:country:NL" doesn't work either. I can't find anything about the syntax for this. Any ideas?

I think I'll have to do some clever indexing or some other trick in the searchable closure, but I just can't find it.


  • I created a basic app (Grails 1.3.5, Searchable with your two classes and searching for 'country:NL' works for me. Did you remember to call index() before trying to search?

    grails create-app search
    grains install-plugin searchable


    class Person {
      static searchable = {
        address component: true
      Address address


    class Address {
      static belongsTo = Person
      static searchable = {
        root false
      String country


    class BootStrap {
        def init = { servletContext ->
          def p1 = new Person(address:new Address(country:'NL')).save()
          def p2 = new Person(address:new Address(country:'DE')).save()
          def p3 = new Person(address:new Address(country:'NZ')).save()
        def destroy = {

    Then I browsed to to /searchable and searched for country:NL and got person 1 returned.

    If you want to see what Searchable is doing under the covers with regards to fields/indexes etc - Luke is a very handy tool (just download the executable JAR):

    The index files are in

    <user.home>/.grails/projects/<project name>/searchable-index/development/index

