Search code examples

Find rows not used by xml column

I have a status table, and I must find the unused statuses.
The status code can be used in activity templates, which have an actionlist xml column with custom formulas.

So far I have written this, which works, but is incredibly slow (more than a minute to get 5000 lines), and I would need to speed it up a bit.

select *
from [status] s
where not exists (
    select top 1 1
    from Wf_ActivityTemplate at
    where at.actionlist.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') like '%@GetStatusId("' + s.code + '")%'

The actionlist column looks like this (irrelevant nodes removed).
As you can see, I need to search in the //ActionTriplet/Argument node, which is itself an xml node stored in text.

<ArrayOfActionTriplet xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <Argument>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;&lt;string&gt;@SetProp("STATUS",@GetStatusId("INTERNAL DESIGN REVIEW"));True&lt;/string&gt;</Argument>
    <TriggerTaskCode />
    <TriggerTaskConditionFormula />
    <Argument>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;&lt;string&gt;@SetProp("STATUS",@GetStatusId("VALID"));True&lt;/string&gt;</Argument>
    <TriggerTaskCode />
    <TriggerTaskConditionFormula />


  • Your code is taking the whole content of your XML, converts it to nvarchar and performs a %x%-like-search, which is always slow. The bigger the text, the slower...

    To show another approach I declare a table variable, which mocks up your table, with two rows (see the ID). I search for the code given in @YourCode:

    DECLARE @YourTable TABLE(ID INT IDENTITY, actionList XML);
    INSERT INTO @YourTable(actionList) VALUES(
    '<ArrayOfActionTriplet xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <Argument>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;&lt;string&gt;@SetProp("STATUS",@GetStatusId("INTERNAL DESIGN REVIEW"));True&lt;/string&gt;</Argument>
        <TriggerTaskCode />
        <TriggerTaskConditionFormula />
        <Argument>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;&lt;string&gt;@SetProp("STATUS",@GetStatusId("VALID"));True&lt;/string&gt;</Argument>
        <TriggerTaskCode />
        <TriggerTaskConditionFormula />
    '<ArrayOfActionTriplet xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <Argument>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;&lt;string&gt;@SetProp("STATUS",@GetStatusId("INTERNAL DESIGN REVIEW"));True&lt;/string&gt;</Argument>
        <TriggerTaskCode />
        <TriggerTaskConditionFormula />
        <Argument>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;&lt;string&gt;@SetProp("STATUS",@GetStatusId("VALID"));True&lt;/string&gt;</Argument>
        <TriggerTaskCode />
        <TriggerTaskConditionFormula />

    --This is the query: You'll get back all Argument-elements, where the text within this element contains GetStatusId("TheCode").

    FROM @YourTable AS s
    CROSS APPLY actionList.nodes('/*:ArrayOfActionTriplet/*:ActionTriplet/*:Argument[fn:contains(.,fn:concat("GetStatusId(&quot;",sql:variable("@YourCode"),"&quot;)"))]') AS A(arg)


    With this query you can cast the inner XML from the encoded form to real XML and get the full string readable:

    FROM @YourTable AS s
    CROSS APPLY actionList.nodes('/*:ArrayOfActionTriplet/*:ActionTriplet/*:Argument[fn:contains(.,fn:concat("GetStatusId(&quot;",sql:variable("@YourCode"),"&quot;)"))]') AS A(arg)
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT CAST(arg.value('.','varchar(max)') AS XML)) AS Casted(InnerXml)

    UPDATE 2: Faster, checking the existance only

    If you want nothing more, than to check, wether there is an <Argument> containing your code or not, you might do this:

    FROM @YourTable AS s
    WHERE actionList.exist('/*:ArrayOfActionTriplet/*:ActionTriplet/*:Argument[fn:contains(.,fn:concat("GetStatusId(&quot;",sql:variable("@YourCode"),"&quot;)"))]') =1

    The final =1 means: The string is inlcuded. With =0 you'd get all rows, where this string is not included