The @ViewById annotations are not working in my DialogFragment.
I use @EFragment(R.layout.mydialogfragment)
I create the fragment by doing
.init(someObject, new ClickListener() {...})
.show(getFragmentManager(), "myDialog");
where init()
is my custom method which returns the MyDialogFragment
for chaining.
I didn't override OnCreateDialog
, nor did I override onCreateView
, and I'm not using any of the @After...
annotations of AndroidAnnotations.
I'm trying to use the injected views in my init()
method, but they are null.
Just as I finished typing the question I realized what was wrong. I was assuming views would be injected by the time build()
returned so I could use them in the init()
method, but they weren't. The fix was to annotate another method with the @AfterViews
annotation and do the view related initialization there.