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Checking the expected valued passed to a delegate using Rhino.Mocks

I am attempting to write a test case that will confirm that the value of a parameter passed into the method under test was used to invoke a delegate function that is passed as an argument to a method on a mocked service. The example below illustrates what I am doing:

The method under test:

public IList<IResultData> GetResultData(int id)
    Func<IExternalInterface, List<ExternalData> getDataMethod = client => client.GetExternalData(id);     
    List<ExternalData> externalDataList = serviceClient.ExecuteService(getDataMethod, "GetExternalData"); 

    var result = new List<ResultData>();

    //Some code to convert externalDataList into an IList<IResultData>

    return result;

The test method:

public void TestMethodCall()
    var mockServiceClient = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IServiceClient>();
    mockServiceClient.Expect(x => x.ExecuteService(
            Arg<Func<IExternalInterface, List<ExternalData>>.Is.NotNull,

    var myClass = new MyClass(mockServiceClient);

    var result = myClass.GetResultData(3);

    //Some assertions that result is as expected.

Is there a way to assert that the function passed into the Execute method is being passed the id of 3 from the test method's call to GetResultData()? The service being mocked is in a library not under my control so I can't change it's signature.


  • The following pattern will allow you to assert the lambda:

    public void TestMethod1()
        var wasCalled = false;
        var fakeService = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IExternalInterface>();
        fakeService.Stub(x => x.GetExternalData(1))
                   .Return(new List<ExternalData>() {new ExternalData() {Id = 1}});
        fakeService.Stub(service => service.ExecuteService(Arg<Func<IExternalInterface, 
                         List<ExternalData>>>.Is.Anything, Arg<string>.Is.Anything))
                   .WhenCalled(invocation =>
                       wasCalled = true;
                       var func = (Func<IExternalInterface, List<ExternalData>>) invocation.Arguments[0];
                       var res = func(fakeService);
                       // Assert here the "res"
        var target = new MyClass(fakeService);
        Assert. IsTrue(wasCalled);

    However based you the code you've provided a better solution would be to use Do method as the following:

    public void TestMethod1()
        var fakeService = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IExternalInterface>();
        fakeService.Stub(x => x.GetExternalData(1)).Return(new List<ExternalData>() {new ExternalData() {Id = 1}});
        fakeService.Stub(service => service.ExecuteService(Arg<Func<IExternalInterface, 
                                                           List<ExternalData>>>.Is.Anything, Arg<string>.Is.Anything))
                   .Do(new Func<Func<IExternalInterface, List<ExternalData>>, string, List<ExternalData>>((func, str)=>func(fakeService)));
        var target = new MyClass(fakeService);
        var result = target.GetResultData(1);
        // Assert here the "result"