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ggvis - custom non-numeric y-axis labels showing as 'NaN'

EDIT: Sample code updated with more complex example

I have a data frame with (x, y) values and a name for each pair, and I'm plotting it in a ggvis scatterplot. SO users already pointed me to this post (How do I label plot tick marks using ggvis) and I updated my code to reflect what I saw there by using factor() to create the list of custom y-axis labels ylabels_ which is fed to values = under the add_axis() statement. Here is the new code:


df <- data.frame(x = 1:15, 
                 y = c(, 15), 
             , 15), 
             , 15)))

ylabels_ <- factor(c(1,4,7), labels = stri_rand_strings(3, 7))

df %>%
  ggvis(~x, ~y) %>% 
  add_axis("y", values = ylabels_)

My axis labels are still coming back with NaN instead of the factors. Am I missing something?

SOLUTION EDIT: Here is my code that I finally got to work. Note I changed the x values to be staggered so I could distinguish between the three lines.


df <- data.frame(x = c(seq(1, length.out = 15, by = 3),
                       seq(2, length.out = 15, by = 3),
                       seq(3, length.out = 15, by = 3)),
                 y = factor(c(, 15), 
             , 15), 
             , 15)), labels = c("one", "four", "seven"),
                       ordered = T))

df %>%
  ggvis(~x, ~y) %>% 
  layer_points() %>%
  scale_ordinal("y", domain = c("seven", "four", "one")

I don't understand why in the domain = portion I had to reverse the order of the factors for them to show in the correct order. If anyone has any insight on that, it would be very helpful!


  • Notice that in the linked answer, the new factor variable is used as the y variable. You can use it for your values, as well, but it's not necessarily needed.

    Making the new factor based on y but using name as the labels is to get the name variable in the correct order for plotting.

    df$ylabels_ <- factor(df$y, labels = stri_rand_strings(3, 7))

    Because you are now working with a factor variable on the y axis, layer_points needs to be used explicitly.

    df %>%
        ggvis(~x, ~ylabels_) %>% 

    Note that this whole approach will only work if the original y data are integers.