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Why does (-) fail to typecheck when I place a Double Matrix on the left and a Double on the right?

Since hmatrix provides an instance of Num for Matrix types, I can express element-wise subtraction like:

m = (2><2)[1..] :: Double Matrix
m' = m - 3

That works great, as 3 is a Num, and results in a matrix created by subtracting 3 from each element of m.

Why does this not also work:

m' = m - (3::Double)

The error I'm getting is:

Couldn't match expected type ‘Matrix Double’
            with actual type ‘Double’
In the second argument of ‘(-)’, namely ‘(3 :: Double)’
In the expression: m - (3 :: Double)

I expected the compiler to understand that a Double is also a Num. Why is that seemingly not the case?


  • What happens when you do m - 3 with m :: Matrix Double is that 3 :: Matrix Double. The fact that Matrix Double is an instance of Num means that the compilers knows how to translate the litteral 3. However when you do m - (3 :: Double), you get a type error because (-) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a, so the type of the element you subtract must be instances of Num and match. Hence you can subtract two Doubles, two Matrix Doubles but not a Matrix Double and a Double.

    After all, this seems fairly logical to me, it doesn't make sense to subtract a matrix and a scalar.