I am facing a strange problem right now. I am using pypyodbc to insert data into a test database hosted by AWS. This database that I created was by hand and did not imitate all relations and whatnot between tables. All I did was create a table with the same columns and the same datatypes as the original (let's call it master) database. When I run my code and insert the data it works in the test environment. Then I change it over to the master database and the code runs all the way through but no data is actually inputted. Is there any chance that there are security protocols in place which prevent me from inputting data in through the Python script rather than through a normal SQL query? Is there something I am missing?
It sounds like it's not pointing to the correct database. Have you made sure the connection information changes to point to the correct DB? So the server name is correct, the login credentials are good, etc.?