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AutoResize DataGridView Columns on TabPages

I'm having a little bit problem with AutoResize on DataGridView. Im doing it this way :

 for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
      tabControl_Rozliczenie.TabPages.Add("Page " + list[i]);
      var dataGridView = new DataGridView()
           Name = "dataGridView_" + list[i],
           Dock = DockStyle.Fill

      dataGridView.CellValueChanged += 
              new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(dataGridView_ety_CellValueChanged);
      dataGridView.CellFormatting += 
              new DataGridViewCellFormattingEventHandler(dataGridView_ety_CellFormatting);
      dataGridView.DataSource = dataTable;


It's adding new TabPages and DataGridViews on them but this part :


AutoResize only DataGridView on tabPage[0] = first page, on the rest of them it doesn't work.

Can some one help me with finding code problem?

Assumption is :

It has to AutoResize DataGridView on each TabControlPage.


  • TabControl has a nasty habit of preventing the children of unselected TabPages from doing their layout.

    So you'll need to select each TabPage before filling the DataGridView and setting its AutoResizeColumns property:

    tabControl_Rozliczenie.TabPages.Add("Page " + list[i]);
    tabControl_Rozliczenie.SelectedTab = tabControl_Rozliczenie.TabPages["Page " + list[i]];