I have a multidimensional array of students 'name' and 'scores':
$student = array(
'Alice' => array(84, 93, 88, 100, 92, 84) ,
'bob' => array(92, 47, 68, 79, 89) ,
'charlie' => array(73, 85, 84, 69, 67, 92) ,
'denis' => array(59, 92, 83, 79, 73) ,
'eve' => array(91, 68, 85, 79, 84)
Now, I want to find the average of highest 'five' marks of each student:
foreach ($students as $student => $key) {
echo $student . '<br>';
$value = array_slice($key, 0,5);
foreach ($value as $output){
$total += $output . '<br />';
$average = $total / count($value);
echo $average . '<br/>';
My problem is, instead of giving the average of all the students, it is giving the average of only first student 'Alice'. What should I do to get the average of all students?
Several problems, but just replace your inner foreach()
$average = array_sum($value) / count($value);
foreach ($students as $student => $key){
echo $student . '<br>';
$value = array_slice($key, 0,5);
$average = array_sum($value) / count($value);
echo $average . '<br/>';