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Iterating over a big MongoDB collection without running out of memory

I have a large Mongo collection I want to iterate over so I do something like that:

$cursor = $mongo->my_big_collection->find([]);

foreach ($cursor as $doc)

But I eventually run out of memory. I expected the cursor to free the memory after each document was processed. Why isn't that the case? I tried calling unset($doc) at the end of my loop but that didn't help.

Right now I have to do something like this to get around the issue (processing the documents by batch and calling unset() on the cursor after each batch):

for ($skip = 0; true; $skip += 1000)
    $cursor = $mongo->my_big_collection->find()->skip($skip)->limit(1000);

    if (!$cursor->hasNext())

    foreach ($cursor as $doc)


This seems awkward. The whole point of iterators is to not have to do this. Is there a better way?

I'm using hhvm 3.12 with mongofill.

Thank you for your help.


  • MongoCursor.php

     * Advances the cursor to the next result
     * @return void - NULL.
    public function next()
        $this->fetchMoreDocumentsIfNeeded(); // <<< add documents to $this->documents
     * Return the next object to which this cursor points, and advance the
     * cursor
     * @return array - Returns the next object.
    public function getNext()
        return $this->current();

    When you iterate through the cursor, it will store in the cursors all the documents $this->documents. Nothing clear this collection of document. You could try to implement an iteration that remove the documents of $this->documents after getting them maybe ?