I am trying to make a simple spring-xd
is downloaded and running in the single node mode. We already have a Kafka
cluster and we have a spark streaming
job that read tweets from twitter API and push it into Kafka
I am trying to read from Kafka
using spring-xd
and write to file so I created the following stream
xd:>stream create tweet --definition "kafka --zkconnect=zkserver:2181 --topic=tweets | file" --deploy
The result in the output file will be something like what appears below
Is there any explanation to this result?
Your output looks like an array of characters. If you take the fist numbers and translate them, you can see this is an array of codes for a JSON String.
123 34 105 100 34 58 34 116 97 103 58 115 101 97 114 99 104 46...
Translates to:
I believed this has been answered here:
Spring XD: "tcp" source outputs byte array instead of string? How to output regular text?