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Regular expression matching lines that are not commented out

Given the following code

# print("ccc")

def doSomething():

How can I use regular expression in Atom text editor to find all the print functions that are not commented out? I mean I only want to match the prints in print("aaa") and print("doSomething").

I've tried [^#]print, but this also matches the print in # print("ccc"), which is something that is not desired.

[^# ]print doesn't match any line here.

The reason I want to do this is that I want to disable the log messages inside a legacy project written by others.


  • Since you confirm my first suggestion (^(?![ \t]*#)[ \t]*print) worked for you (I deleted that first comment), I believe you just want to find the print on single lines.

    The \s matches any whitespace, incl. newline symbols. If you need to just match tabs or spaces, use a [ \t] character class.


    ^[ \t]*print

    or (a bit safer in order not to find any printers):

    ^[ \t]*print\(