I have some table written in markdown, but only the first table that rendered. You can see it on this website
Scroll down and you can find the mistakes. This is my script :
Nama Field | Tipe | Diperlukan | Deskripsi
--- | --- | --- | ---
from_name | String | Diperlukan | Nama Pengirim
from_email | String (email address format) | Opsional | Email Penerima, jika kosong maka menggunakan email user yang terdaftar
from_address | String | Diperlukan | Alamat Pengirim
from_phone | String | Diperlukan | Telefon Pengirim
from_zip_code | String | Opsional | Kode Pos Pengirim
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Removing a newline between ---|---|---
and the table content solved this.