I am trying to convert coordinate on an MKMapview to a cgpoint inside a view.
Here is what I am doing:
CGPoint point = [map convertCoordinate:coord toPointToView:self.view];
NSLog(@"lat = %f, lon = %f", coord.latitude, coord.longitude);
NSLog(@"x = %f, y = %f", point.x, point.y);
The output that I am getting is:
lat = 243568961.394369, lon = 165303343.177200
x = nan, y = nan
I have viewed other questions on SO and this seems to be the correct way to go about it.
Hope you can help.
I have just realised that the coordinate (coord) that is being logged is not the actual coordinates that I have intended.
Here is how I am getting this coordinate:
CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tileOverlay.mapRect.origin.x, tileOverlay.mapRect.origin.y);
So I guess that problem is more with getting coordinates from the MKMapRect of MKTileOverlay.
Okay, so the problem was that I was trying to use MKMapPoint values to create a CLLocationCoordinate2D. Obviously this created an invalid coordinate. Here is what I did to fix it:
MKMapPoint mp = MKMapPointMake(tileOverlay.mapRect.origin.x, tileOverlay.mapRect.origin.y);
CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = MKCoordinateForMapPoint(mp);
CGPoint point = [map convertCoordinate:coord toPointToView:self.view];
and everything works as intended