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How to add a page break in word document generated by RStudio & markdown

I writing a Word document with R markdown in R Studio. I can get many things, but at the moment I am not figuring out how can I get a page break. I have found solutions but only for rendered latex / pdf document that it is not my case.


  • Added: To insert a page break, please use \newpage for formats including LaTeX, HTML, Word, and ODT.

    Paragraph before page break.
    First paragraph on a new page.

    Previously: There is a way by using a fifth-level header block (#####) and a docx template defined in YAML.

    After creating headingfive.docx in Microsoft Word, you select Modify Style of the Heading 5, and then select Page break before in the Line and Page Breaks tab and save the headingfive.docx file.

    Page break before

    title: 'Making page break using fifth-level header block'
        reference_docx: headingfive.docx

    In your Rmd document, you define reference_docx in the YAML header, and now you can use the page-breaking #####.

    Please see below.