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Imitation of hardware exceptions

Can anyone tell me a code for next function, which raises EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK or EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, for I could catch them in main func:

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        FaultingStack(); // What I need to write in this function???
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

    return 0;

Do not suggest RaiseException func, I need an example of fault code, not software raised exception

UPD: I need one more code snippet for next exception EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW


  • Breakpoint exception is raised easily. You can use one of the following (which is all the same):

    DebugBreak(); // API function
    __debugbreak(); // MSVC intrinsic
    __asm int 3; // Actual instruction

    Now, EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK is related to the invalid floating-point register stack state.

    First one should enable FP exceptions related to the FP stack:

    #include <float.h>
    _controlfp(_controlfp(0, 0) & ~(EM_INVALID), MCW_EM);

    Next, make FP stack overflow/underflow:

    for (float f; ; )
        __asm fstp f;