I want to save data to my firebase using firebase-document
. It appears that the data is correctly being saved but is immediately being overwritten. Here are the errors I get...
Sync to memory.
Updating data from Firebase value: Object {comment: "foo", date: "bar", id: "-XXXxxxxxxXXXXXXxxxx", merchant: "baz", status: "bat"…}
app-storage-behavior.html:368Sync to memory.
Updating data from Firebase value: Object {date: ""}
See that second paragraph in the log? That's what I don't expect to see. What could be causing this? And what can I do to achieve my desired behavior? Here is my code...
save: function() {
return this.$.document.save(this.itemsPath);
Look at the second Sync to memory log. It describes writing what is essentially an empty object: {date:""}
to memory (firebase). This operation overwrites the previous object: {comment: "c", date: "", merchant: "c", status: "new", total: "3"}
written to the same location.
Here is the firebase-document.html file in question.
And below are the relevant sections of code.
firebase-document.htmlattached: function() {
this.__refChanged(this.ref, this.ref);
detached: function() {
if (this.ref) {
this.ref.off('value', this.__onFirebaseValue, this);
observers: [
__refChanged: function(ref, oldRef) {
if (oldRef) {
oldRef.off('value', this.__onFirebaseValue, this);
if (ref) {
ref.on('value', this.__onFirebaseValue, this);
__onFirebaseValue: function(snapshot) {
var value = snapshot.val();
if (value == null) {
value = this.zeroValue;
if (!this.new) {
this.async(function() {
this.syncToMemory(function() {
this._log('Updating data from Firebase value:', value); // Causes overwrite
this.set('data', value);
The side effect of this.$.document.save(this.itemsPath)
is that the path
of the firebase-document
would be reset to point to the new item you've created in your DB. However, this code as the path
oneway bound into the firebase-document
so every time the data is saved you are repointing the component to a place in your DB with no data. Two way binding and/or no binding path
at all, or using an explicit key
in save(parentPath, key)
so that the target matched editableItemId
should clear up you issue.