I am trying to run the following script, which scans for *.csproj
files and checks for project dependencies in Visual Studio solutions, but I am getting the following error. I have already tried all sorts of codec
and encode/decode
and u''
combination, to no avail...
(the diacritics are intended and I plan to keep them).
Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\00 GIT\SolutionDependencies.py", line 44, in <module> references = GetProjectReferences("MiotecGit") File "E:\00 GIT\SolutionDependencies.py", line 40, in GetProjectReferences outputline = u'"{}" -> "{}"'.format(projectName, referenceName) UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xed in position 19: ordinal not in range(128)
import glob
import os
import fnmatch
import re
import subprocess
import codecs
gvtemplate = """
digraph g {
rankdir = "LR"
def GetProjectFiles(rootFolder):
result = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(rootFolder):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*.csproj"):
result.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
return result
def GetProjectName(path):
result = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
return result
def GetProjectReferences(rootFolder):
result = []
projectFiles = GetProjectFiles(rootFolder)
for projectFile in projectFiles:
projectName = GetProjectName(projectFile)
with codecs.open(projectFile, 'r', "utf-8") as pfile:
content = pfile.read()
references = re.findall("<ProjectReference.*?</ProjectReference>", content, re.DOTALL)
for reference in references:
referenceProject = re.search('"([^"]*?)"', reference).group(1)
referenceName = GetProjectName(referenceProject)
outputline = u'"{}" -> "{}"'.format(projectName, referenceName)
return result
references = GetProjectReferences("MiotecGit")
output = u"\n".join(*references)
with codecs.open("output.gv", "w", 'utf-8') as outputfile:
outputfile.write(gvtemplate.replace("#####", output))
graphvizpath = glob.glob(r"C:\Program Files*\Graphviz*\bin\dot.*")[0]
command = '{} -Gcharset=latin1 -T pdf -o "output.pdf" "output.gv"'.format(graphvizpath)
When Python 2.x tries to use a byte string in a Unicode context, it automatically tries to decode
the byte string to a Unicode string using the ascii
codec. While the ascii
codec is a safe choice, it often doesn't work.
For Windows environments the mbcs
codec will select the code page that Windows uses for 8-bit characters. You can decode the string yourself explicitly.
outputline = u'"{}" -> "{}"'.format(projectName.decode('mbcs'), referenceName.decode('mbcs'))