I am trying to scrape the second table from the following link http://cepea.esalq.usp.br/frango/?page=379&Dias=15
I have tried the following R code using the XML package:
p_frango_resfriado <- htmlTreeParse("http://cepea.esalq.usp.br/frango/?page=379&Dias=15",
useInternalNodes = TRUE,
encoding = "UTF-8")
xpathSApply(p_frango_resfriado, "//table[@width = '95%']//tr//td[2]", xmlValue)
xpathSApply(p_frango_resfriado, "//table[@width = '95%']//tr//td[3]", xmlValue)
xpathSApply(p_frango_resfriado, "//table[@width = '95%']//tr//td[4]", xmlValue)
The problem is that this code scrapes both html tables in the webpage, and I only want to scrape the second one. I have tried, the code below, which does not return anything interesting:
"//a[text() = 'Preços do frango resfriado CEPEA/ESALQ - Estado SP']/table[@width = '95%']",
Could anyone please help me with this problem? I am not very good with the XPath language and html.
with XPath querylibrary("httr")
URL <- "http://cepea.esalq.usp.br/frango/?page=379&Dias=15"
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
GET(url = URL, user_agent("Mozilla/5.0"), write_disk(temp))
The only difference between the two tables is the table names used in the xpath query
Table 1: Preços do frango congelado CEPEA/ESALQ - Estado SP
xpexpr <- "//center/a[contains(., 'do frango congelado')]/../table/tr/td/font/tr"
Table 2: Preços do frango resfriado CEPEA/ESALQ - Estado SP
xpexpr <- "//center/a[contains(., 'do frango resfriado')]/../table/tr/td/font/tr"
doc <- htmlParse(temp)
listofTableNodes <- getNodeSet(doc, xpexpr)
length_nodes <- length(listofTableNodes)
include_indices1 <- 1:(length_nodes - 2)
# create dataframe using xmlvalues of the nodelist. Both `getNodeSet()`
# and `xpathSApply` will provide identical results.
# using `getNodeSet()`
df <- xmlToDataFrame(listofTableNodes[include_indices1], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# using `xpathSApply`
df <- xmlToDataFrame(xpathSApply(doc, xpexpr)[include_indices1], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# clean data
df$td <- as.Date(gsub("[Â ]\\s*", "", df$td), format = "%d/%m/%Y")
df[, 4] <- gsub("\t$", '', df[, 4])
# add column names
xpexpr <- "//center/a[contains(., 'do frango resfriado')]/../table/tr/td/font/text()"
# for Table-1
# xpexpr <- "//center/a[contains(., 'do frango congelado')]/../table/tr/td/font/text()"
listofTableNodes <- getNodeSet(doc, xpexpr)
colnames(df) <- c('Date', sapply(listofTableNodes, xmlValue))
# Date Valor R$ Var./dia Var./mês
# 1 2016-08-17 4,37 0,46% 8,17%
# 2 2016-08-16 4,35 0,46% 7,67%
# 3 2016-08-15 4,33 0,46% 7,18%
# 4 2016-08-12 4,31 0,00% 6,68%
# 5 2016-08-11 4,31 0,70% 6,68%
# 6 2016-08-10 4,28 0,47% 5,94%
# 7 2016-08-09 4,26 -0,70% 5,45%
# 8 2016-08-08 4,29 3,87% 6,19%
# 9 2016-08-05 4,13 0,49% 2,23%
# 10 2016-08-04 4,11 0,00% 1,73%
# 11 2016-08-03 4,11 1,73% 1,73%
# 12 2016-08-02 4,04 0,00% 0,00%
# 13 2016-08-01 4,04 0,00% 0,00%
# 14 2016-07-29 4,04 0,00% -0,49%
# 15 2016-07-28 4,04 -0,25% -0,49%
Note: Everyday, the values are updated on this webpage, which will be taken into account using length_nodes
without XPath querylibrary("httr")
URL <- "http://cepea.esalq.usp.br/frango/?page=379&Dias=15"
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
GET(url = URL, user_agent("Mozilla/5.0"), write_disk(temp))
df <- readHTMLTable(temp, stringAsFactors = FALSE, which = 8)
# Table 1
# Table 2
with XPath querylibrary("httr")
URL <- "http://cepea.esalq.usp.br/frango/?page=379&Dias=15"
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
GET(url = URL, user_agent("Mozilla/5.0"), write_disk(temp))
doc <- htmlParse(temp)
# XPath Query
# Table -1
xpexpr <- "//center/a[contains(., 'do frango congelado')]/../table/tr/td/font"
df <- xpathSApply(doc, xpexpr, readHTMLTable)
include_indices <- 1:(nrow(df[[4]]) -4)
df <- df[[4]][include_indices,]
# Table-2
xpexpr <- "//center/a[contains(., 'do frango resfriado')]/../table/tr/td/font"
df <- xpathSApply(doc, xpexpr, readHTMLTable)
include_indices <- 1:(nrow(df[[4]]) -4)
df <- df[[4]][include_indices,]