I have written the following C# code to find the Pearson correlation coefficient between two Images. The complete source code is here in the DotNetFiddle.
Correlation Source Code:
public sealed class PearsonCorrelation
public static double GetSimilarityScore(double[,] p, double[,] q)
int Width = p.GetLength(0);
int Height = p.GetLength(1);
if (Width != q.GetLength(0) || Height != q.GetLength(1))
throw new ArgumentException("Input vectors must be of the same dimension.");
double pSum = 0, qSum = 0, pSumSq = 0, qSumSq = 0, productSum = 0;
double pValue, qValue;
for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
pValue = p[y, x];
qValue = q[y, x];
pSum += pValue;
qSum += qValue;
pSumSq += pValue * pValue;
qSumSq += qValue * qValue;
productSum += pValue * qValue;
double numerator = productSum - ((pSum * qSum) / (double)Height);
double denominator = Math.Sqrt((pSumSq - (pSum * pSum) / (double)Height) * (qSumSq - (qSum * qSum) / (double)Height));
return (denominator == 0) ? 0 : numerator / denominator;
Same picture is loaded in two picture boxes.
The value of their correlation coefficient has become, -1
Is this the correct result?
If no, what should I do to correct it?
The correlation of the identical sequences must be 1
It seems that you have a problem at the very end of the routine; instead of
double numerator = productSum - ((pSum * qSum) / (double)Height);
double denominator = Math.Sqrt((pSumSq - (pSum * pSum) / (double)Height) * (qSumSq - (qSum * qSum) / (double)Height));
you should put
double n = ((double) Width) * Height;
double numerator = productSum - ((pSum * qSum) / n);
double denominator =
Math.Sqrt((pSumSq - (pSum * pSum) / n) * (qSumSq - (qSum * qSum) / n));