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Matlab Plot that changes with time

I am trying to plot a figure that changes with time (think of it as plotting the shape of a pole as the wind passes through it, so I want to plot the shape at every second).

To avoid the x axis limit changing frequently I want to fix it to the limits (max and min that I calculate before plotting). Here is a sample of my code:

for i=1:1:numberofrows
    momentvaluesatinstant = momentvalues(i,:);
    title(sprintf('Moment profile along pile at time 0.2%f',time(i)'))
    xlabel('Moment (kN.m)')
    xlim([momentvalues(rowminmoment) momentvalues(rowmaxmoment)])
    ylabel('Length of pile (m)')

Although I am specifying the limits of the x axis to be fixed to the values I specify, the plot keeps changing the limits depending on the data being plotted? Is there something I am missing?


  • Figured it, need to add xlim manual