I am trying to download an image from S3 to cache it. This without caching is working:
let manager = AWSUserFileManager.defaultUserFileManager()
let content = manager.contentWithKey("public%2F" + userID + "_profile.jpg")
content.getRemoteFileURLWithCompletionHandler({[weak self](url: NSURL?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
guard let url = url else {
print("Error getting URL for file. \(error)")
let imageData = NSData(contentsOfURL: url)
imageView.image = UIImage(data: imageData!)
And this with caching is not working:
let content = manager.contentWithKey("public%2F" + userID + "_profile.jpg")
if !content.cached {
print("Not Cached")
imageView.image = UIImage(named: "UserIcon")
content.downloadWithDownloadType(AWSContentDownloadType.IfNewerExists, pinOnCompletion: false, progressBlock: nil, completionHandler: { (content: AWSContent?, data: NSData?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
imageView.image = UIImage(data: data!)
} else {
imageView.image = UIImage(data: content.cachedData)
I get in error after completion: domain: "com.amazonaws.AWSContentManager.ErrorDomain" - code: 1
what is wrong in my code?
I find it out. It is necessary to use the progress!
if !content.cached {
print("Not Cached")
imageView.image = UIImage(named: "UserIcon")
content.downloadWithDownloadType(AWSContentDownloadType.IfNewerExists, pinOnCompletion: false, progressBlock: {(content: AWSContent?, progress: NSProgress?) -> Void in
}, completionHandler: { (content: AWSContent?, data: NSData?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if let error = error {
print("Failed to download a content from a server.)")
print("Error " + error.debugDescription)
imageView.image = UIImage(data: data!)
} else {
imageView.image = UIImage(data: content.cachedData)